Falls Village Day Care Center...
the perfect balance between learning and play!

Consider Joining the FVDCC Booster Group!
In order to continue to provide you with the quality care and learning activities you have come to know and expect from the Falls Village Day Care Center, fundraising is necessary. The FVDCC Booster Group has been formed to look for new and varied ways to raise money to help with the expense of operating the Day Care Center.
The Falls Village Day Care Center needs your support. The Booster group is run by Tami Reid a parent of 2 young children here at FVDCC. She is assisted by some of our staff and parents, Melissa Strattman, Megan Van Deausen, Mariah Green, Katelyn Kearns, Marsha Gillette, Ashley Allyn, Lisa Lynch and Heather Mechare.
Please inform anyone listed above of your intrest to join our booster group. We can't stress enough how important it is that you take part in your child's day care fundraising efforts by becoming a member of the FVDCC Booster Group.
The booster group is currently working on planning the 3rd Annual Silent Auction for November 7th 2015 @ the Cannan VFW from 5-10pm. At this time they are looking for sponserships and donations for the upcoming auction. Past auctions have helped the daycare pruchase 2 new playgrounds and many new toys for our children. We can't thank them enough for all the time and effort towards helping out our center.